Hungary 1956 Wikia

Founded in 1930 as the Daily Worker, organ of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB). Since 1945, it has been owned by the People's Press Printing Society. It was renamed the Morning Star in 1966. The paper's editorial stance is in line with Britain's Road to Socialism, the programme of the Communist Party of Britain.

The Daily Worker was fully supportive of the show trials in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria in the late 1940s as well as the split with Tito and Yugoslavia in 1948.

In 1956, the Daily Worker suppressed correspondent Peter Fryer's reports from the Hungarian revolution, which had been favourable to the uprising. The paper denounced the events as a "white terror", invoking the Horthy regime and earlier 1919–1921 period.

By the late 1950s the paper was down to just one sheet of four pages. The last edition of the Daily Worker was published on Saturday 23 April 1966. The first edition of the Morning Star appeared on Monday, 25 April 1966. South African exile Sarah Carneson worked for the paper in the late 1960s.

More information on the Wikipedia page [1]. The website of The Morning Star is [2].
